Help Center - How to Use Polli

This section is meant to guide users through all the features Polli has to streamline your experience. We are always available to answer any question you may have - just drop us a line.

How to Process New Flight Images in Polli

This guide will show you how to process images from flights you have already conducted. As well this guide will teach how to read and interpret the data pulled from processing. LEARN MORE

How to Make and Utilize Tags in Polli

This guide will show you how to create tags for new and already created Sites. As well this guide will showcase how you can utilize these tags to better organize. LEARN MORE

How to Utilize Reports in Polli

This guide is for showing how to filter and utilize reports within Polli. It will also showcase the data that can be collected from the downloaded CSV file. LEARN MORE

Polli GSD Calculator

Each algorithm requires a specific ground sample distance (GSD) to ensure the highest quality results. Learn how high to fly with your drone’s camera to get the necessary GSD. LEARN MORE

POLLi With the SONY Airpeak S1

This guide will show you how to create custom flight plans in POLLi and then use the same flight plans with the SONY Airpeak S1. LEARN MORE

How to Use Custom Areas in Polli

This guide will show you how to create a custom area within a Site and the information that you can pull from using this feature in Polli. LEARN MORE

How to Create New Sites in Polli

This guide will show how to create a new site in Polli and the different features that you can utilize to customize and organize your sites to better suit your needs. LEARN MORE

Best Practices When Collecting Data

This guide will teach you how to more effectively collect data and make it easier for our software to more reliably read the data you put into it. LEARN MORE

Not finding what you need? Reach out to us! We’re happy to help.