How to Utilize Reports in Polli

The reports page in Polli is used to download flight information across your entire organization. You have multiple ways of filtering the information you want to pull by using tags, regions, states, and land use of sites and missions. When selecting these filters your search will narrow and give the end data you’re looking for as well as a downloadable CSV file.

Access the Polli Reports Page

When first accessing the Reports page on the far left side of the screen, simply click on the “Page” icon that appears at the end of the icon list and it will bring you to the Reports page. From here you will see multiple different options in order to filter out data that you do or do not want. Keep in mind that this page is used for general, organization wide, data collection and if you are looking to do a more site specific search for data then to use the site specific Analytics page tied to it.

Sharing & Organizing Data

Some notable features that aren’t too intricate are the Analytic Selector and date selectors options. The Analytic Selector currently will only show Common Milkweed Analytic V1 due to it being the only current analytic processing that Polli has available, in the future you will be able to select between different processing types to give more accurate data to yourself. The next option is the date selectors in order to select between times of the year or over entire years in order to give broad or specific data for yourself.

Map Overview

Next down on the left side we get the “View By” selector which will give three different options to view the map and the sites you’ve made and flown. The three options are shown as State, Region, and Project with “Project” being a stand-in for “Sites”. Keep in mind that this setting only limits the viewing of the map and does not filter the end CSV file, this setting is merely to give a better idea of what data you have from a top-down view.

Tagging in Polli

The next section is in regards to the Polli app tagging feature. Using this feature you can tag different sites with specific tags and narrow down data collection to specific items you would want. The tags are self explanatory in you being able to put your own specific tags and then filtering it farther down to regions, state, or the land use with the land use being designated for specific sites when they were first created.

Downloading your CSV File

After filtering through all the settings and figuring out what data you want to download you can see the Information Summary window. This will display how many sites you plan to download, the total area of these sites combined (not the total flight area), and the milkweed count of the total area. Once more counting software is available to swap between the milkweed count stat will change to other stats used in counting, but for now, that is all that will be displayed. Once selecting the download button at the bottom you will be given an Export Reporting Options menu and can select again to filter the flights you download from the most recent flights to the highest milkweed count flights. The most recent flights will be the flights that were last flown, so once you refly the same mission and process those images then that flight will be the new one to be selected from with this option.

Contents of the CSV File

Within the CSV file you will find a plethora of information in regards to the individual flights and neatly laid out for easy reading. Listed below are the data fields that you can find within your CSV file:

  • Project Name - this is the name of the Site tied to the flight.

  • Flight Plan Name

  • Date Flown - shown in MM/DD/YYYY

  • Analytic - which software was used to process the images

  • State

  • Region

  • County

  • GRTS - USGS spatial plot type identification value

  • Land Use

  • Flight Plan Acres

  • Photo Footprint Acres

  • Photo Percent Coverage

  • # of Photos Taken

  • Stem Count in Photos

  • Flight Plan Stems per Acre

  • Flight Plan Estimated Stem Total

Our mission is to make field data collection fast, easy, and robust. We want to put drones and artificial intelligence in your organization’s toolbox.