How to Create New Sites in Polli

One feature that Polli allows for is to create sites in order to manage your flights and areas in which you fly. In this walkthrough we will show you what sites are and how to set them up to more effectively utilize the Polli app.

Accessing the Polli App

  • Access the Polli app via an iPad or Android Tablet.

  • Go to the top left of the main menu of the Polli app and select the options button.

  • In this menu you can choose between creating or exporting sites, when exporting you will have the option to export via a csv, geojson, or kml file types.

  • Select the Create Site and it will take you to the next menu.

  • Note - You do not have to be connected to a drone to be able to create a new site.

Forming the Site

  • You will be given a map to then find the site you want to create, if you are near the site you want to create then selecting the location crosshairs will center on your location to allow for easier site creation.

  • Adjust and fill the site area desired. Keep in mind you can change the boundaries after site creation.

  • In the menu to the left you will be asked to name and designate the land use of the site.

  • In this menu you can also designate individual users or group access to multiple users within your organization.

After Creation

  • Once you completing the left menu you can hit the green check mark and create the site.

  • After creating the site you can go in and have the options of creating a new flight plan within the site, viewing the analytics (only can be done after a flight has been completed), editing the site, conduct flight processing, exporting individual flight plans, and deleting the site.

  • As well you can select Offline Mode and every map tile used by the flights within the site will be downloaded and allow use when you do not have an internet connection.

  • Note - When selecting Offline Mode you will download all map tiles used by all flights within the site, not just individual flights.

Our mission is to make field data collection fast, easy, and robust. We want to put drones and artificial intelligence in your organization’s toolbox.