Custom Areas in Your Polli Flight Analysis

When analyzing your flights conducted it can sometimes be helpful to section off or single out specific areas within the flight or even site being analyzed. To use these custom areas you’ll find that singling out areas and figuring out more information on specific areas within flights or over multiple flights.

How to Create a Custom Area

  • First, to use a custom area, you must be in the Analytics page of the site you want to create the area in.

  • Next is to go down to the bottom of the map in the center of your screen and select the “Draw Polygon” button.

  • You will be given a “+” sign now to indicate you are drawing an area and can begin by creating individual points on the map.

  • Once you are satisfied with your area you can click on the first point you created and close off the area.

  • Name your area on the left side and now you have a new custom area for your site!

  • Note - Custom Areas are currently not separated and can not be separated when downloading CSV files via the Reports page. So if you have an area so large that two areas are too different it would be worth considering a new Site in lieu of a custom area.

Use of the Custom Area Within a Site

Once you have the area created you can filter out that area from other ones you have drawn by clicking the check mark box next to their names. Keep in mind that the analytics can change massively from one area to another due to how spread out the item you are trying to measure density is. So in this case, the area I have drawn shows an average stems per acre as 118 but if we look at the entire Site details (with only one flight on it) it shows that average as 56. Then if we look at the largest area that has been drawn for the site we can see that the average for that area is 65 stems per acre, so the more encompassing of an area you make the more accurate to the entire site you will be. This specific information is useful in order to determine pockets of Milkweed that would be in one area of a site or, if you have multiple flights on the site, within the area of 2 flights compared to the other 5 or more flights. Especially useful if the site is so large that it crosses roads or property boundaries.

Use of the Custom Area Within a Site

Some basic information within the area are as follows:

  • Total Area

  • Total Flown Area

  • Processed Area

  • Average Stems per Acre

  • Total Stems within the Area

  • Estimated Stems within the Area

  • Photo Coverage Percentage

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