How to Tag Sites and Utilize Those Tags in Polli

When making new sites or going back to old sites that may have changed or need updating, having tags to edit and look at will make sorting through your sites that much easier. Tagging in Polli allows the user to tag specific sites with whatever they want in order to filter out sites not needed when attempting to fly as a pilot or when downloading site data from the Reports page in Polli.

How to Tag the Sites

As the user you are able to tag both newly created sites and ones that have already been created. To tag sites that are already created simply choose your tags in the same menu where you name your site and designate land use. For those who have sites already created you simply need to go to “Edit Site” from the submenu of the site and it will take you to the same section to allow for tags to be added.

Filtering out in Menu and in Reports

After Adding the tags you can then verify that the tags work by sorting by the tag in the main menu area. If you add more than one tag to a site then you will need to be more specific about the tags you want to narrow down before you get the one site you’re looking for. Then using the Reports page you can download a CSV file with just the information that you are looking for.

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