How to Process New Flight Images in Polli

When completing a flight the images captured can be uploaded and start the processing in the field if you have internet access where you are flying. However, most of the time uploading possible gigabytes worth of images is not doable so using the website application on a desktop is the preferred method of uploading and starting the processing of images.

Access the Polli Desktop App

  • From any PC or Laptop login to the Polli App -

  • Navigate to the Site then the Flight you’d like to process.

  • Select the drop-down menu and choose “Upload Flight”.

  • Find the folder with all the flight images contained within it and select that folder.

Analyzing the Overlay

  • Once uploaded the application will display the outline of the flight you completed with the images overlaid on the map.

  • Using this overlay you can find any images that either did not get uploaded due to corruption or missing from the original folder.

  • You can also look at the overlay in order to determine if the overlap and timing of photos is to your liking or if there were miss used or unutilized settings by the pilot who flew the mission.

Processing the Images

  • After viewing the overlay you can then go back to the Site menu and select the menu drop down for the Site that holds the flight and choose “Flight Processing”.

  • Select the correct flight you would like to process and press the “Play” button.

  • Once selected Polli will do the rest and email the user when the image processing has started after being in queue and when it finishes processing.

  • Note - When selecting the flight to process be sure to select the correct date if you have recently flown the mission you’re looking to process more than once.

Our mission is to make field data collection fast, easy, and robust. We want to put drones and artificial intelligence in your organization’s toolbox.